Message from the Management: 2022 onward is the year of simplicity

The last two years were full of challenges in terms of businesses due to pandemic.  Revenues were significantly decreasing, downsizing of employees, closing some of the business units, restructuring, budget tightening and WFH – Work from Home.  This was very sad for most of the people in the world.


What’s about the forecast in 2022?  Well, it is obvious that work from home is still on-going for most of the staffs or professionals. Zoom meeting is almost every day. But some people take this opportunity by moving out to Bali or other attractive places. They rent houses and bring laptops and families to accommodate the needs for work and joys as well – I can tell you that this is very smart maneuvers.


Converting a work challenge in pandemic condition to a pleasure by residing at attractive places is amazingly good strategy as human being.  Work and enjoy life with no stress during difficult situation – We call it as a simplicity


We encourage our employees to make 2022 as the year of simplicity.  We keep working and striving for success while keeping life as an enjoyable journey.  Stay safe and healthy, keep smiling and be happy!



The BR Management